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青年学者学术沙龙Activity Recognition from a First Person Perspective


李寅 博士

摘 要:

Advances in sensor miniaturization, low-power computing, and battery life have enabled the first generation of mainstream wearable devices. Millions of hours of data have been captured by these devices, creating a record of our daily life at an unprecedented scale. My research focus on the automatic analysis of wearable sensor data, with a emphasis on videos captured from wearable cameras. My work advances both computer vision and mobile health. My talk has three parts. First, I will introduce first person visual cues that capture the users' intent and can be used to predict their point of gaze and the actions they are performing during activities of daily living. Second, I will describe a novel approach to measure children's social behaviors during naturalistic face-to-face interactions with an adult partner, who is wearing a camera. Finally, I will cover my work on measuring physiological parameters such as heart rate and respiration rate using wearable sensing.


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, I obtained my PhD from the Georgia Tech and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Carnegie Mellon University. I have been serving as area chairs (equivalent to senior program committee) for the top vision conferences CVPR and ICCV. I am the co-recipient of the best student paper awards at MobiHealth 2014 and IEEE Face and Gesture 2015. And my work had been covered by MIT Tech Review, WIRED UK and New Scientist.

时间:5月9日   14:00-14:40


上一篇:青年学者学术沙龙Designing New Abstractions for High-Performance Network Functions