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青年学者学术沙龙《Camera-based health monitoring》


王文锦 博士

摘 要:

Measuring physiological signals from the human face and body using cameras is an emerging topic that has grown rapidly in the last decade (2007-2018). Various human vital signs (e.g., heart rate (variability), respiration rate, blood oxygenation saturation, pulse transit time, core body temperature, etc.) can be measured by a remote camera without skin-contact, which is convenient and comfortable for long-term or skin-sensitive health monitoring.  The use of cameras also enables the analysis of visual context like human behaviors/emotions and high-level semantics like social interactions, which facilitates the functionality of monitoring and diagnosis. The non-contact vital signs monitoring can lead to a broad range of healthcare applications that  improve existing clinical solutions and also people’s daily lives, such as patient monitoring in ICU, neonatal monitoring in NICU (with fragile skin), emergence department triage, fitness cardio training, sleep monitoring, elderly/baby care at home, driver monitoring in automotive, integrated monitoring solutions with CT and MRI, etc. In this talk, I will give a presentation on camera-based vital signs monitoring that is built on my earlier and latest work (published articles) in this field, from theories to methodologies to applications. The presentation will show the principles of human physiological and skin optics, with a detailed explanation on how to use these principles to construct a vital signs monitoring system and how to apply the system in real-life applications to automate/improve health monitoring.


王文锦,博士毕业于荷兰埃因霍温理工大学电子工程专业。目前在荷兰飞利浦研究院担任研究员,从事智能医疗技术的研发工作,同时在荷兰埃因霍温理工大学担任客座研究员(博士生联合导师)。目前从事的工作是智能医疗设备的研发,具体的研究课题是基于光学传感器的非接触式生理监测。该技术使用光学摄像头非接触式地监测人的生理数据,如脉搏,呼吸,血氧饱和度,血压等。可用于医院的病人监护,居家的老年人和婴幼儿监护,睡眠监测,运动员生理监测,驾驶员/飞行员生理监测,机场安防(人脸防欺诈),医疗大数据等。王文锦在博士和目前的工作期间(2013-2019)对这项技术做出了重大贡献和突破,发表/在投15篇SCI期刊论文(11篇一作,影响因子均在3.5-4.0),5篇会议论文(2篇一作),11项发明专利(申请/授权)。其一篇IEEE Transaction期刊文章获得2015/2016年度该期刊最高引用量。目前该项目已被飞利浦列为首要发展的战略项目。王文锦在工作期间依然致力于学术,于2018年在顶级会议CVPR上成功举办首届International Workshop on Computer Vision for Physiological Measurement。并将于2019年应邀在计算机视觉顶会CVPR上组织题为\"Camera based Physiological Measurement\"的tutorial。在2019年生物医学工程顶会EMBC上举办非接触监测生理脑电信号的Invited Session。在2019年计算机视觉顶会ICCV上举办第二届CVPM workshop。同时也为各大学术期刊和顶级会议的审稿人。

时间:5月9日   15:30-16:10

